From 70.00

GRUPY / DUETY – two or more dancers (up to 20!).
Remember: one participant is not allowed to take part in the competition twice in the same group category.
For example: Jane Smith cannot be a member of 2 different groups in the “Groups Raks Sharki” category.

Uwaga: Jest tylko jeden poziom w tej kategorii - OPEN.

FOLKLOR Egyptian and non-Egyptian folklores: Saidi, traditional Baladi, Shaabi, Eskandarani, Bambuti, Siwa, nubian, ghawazee, haggala, fellahi, Tanoura, Moroccan chobi, Tunisian, Algerian, Dabke, Iraqi, khaleegy, Bandari, persian, turkish Roma, etc. Please wear a costume referring to the style. Acceptable folklore props: Assaya, Melaya, tambourine, scarves, stage daggers (not sharp) etc. 

Limit czasu: 3 minuty.

Konkurs odbędzie się w Saturday, 14th of September 2024 on the Main Stage of Nowohuckiego Centrum Kultury..

Przed rejestracją proszę przeczytać REGULAMIN dla uczestników konkursu.