Victoria Teel is a world renowned belly dancer known for her stage presence, unique fluid style, and her mesmerizing fan technique.
Victoria is the creator of the Teel Fan Method, her signature style of fan techniques, methodology & choreographies which led her to develop her signature fans, Teel Fans. She has worked with internationally acclaimed directors & producers, including the Bellydance Superstars & the world’s first belly dance reality show, Project Belly Dance.
During her travels, Victoria discovered her goal to always create unique and innovative performances, costumes, and products for the belly dance community. This goal drove her to create the Teel Fan Method in 2011, a unique way of using fans and fan veils with influences from Asian and Spanish dances. The Teel Fan Method is now being performed worldwide as a signature style of fan dancing!
Today, Victoria is based in Texas, teaching at her online studio, and currently tours the world teaching master classes.